Saturday, November 18, 2006


>excerpt from an e-mail<

having realized how roller-coaster-y (webster, forgive me) the ride of daring is, i think i'll dare to do some actually volunteering for Pahinungod even if my ma thinks i can't (for lotsa mama-reasons that boils down to "you still cannot survive the adult-world without my guidance!") and my pa thinks it's dangerous (for lotsa military papa-reasons ranging from rapists to NPA to Al Qaeda Terrorist Group). hell, teaching young'uns is the spice of my life! it's my passion. it's what i dream of doing till post-menopause. it's my "how" of "feeding (my) body and soul", as de Quiros puts it. how could perverts and the inability to manage money keep me from doing that? right? (i know you must be tired of this talk; you're free to leave this window when i'm boring you already). and yes, doing my childish dream of going to GMA-7 or ABS-CBN to meet my favorite anime dubbers!!! remember when you told me this thing you and ate carla did before, riding the bus and going to the beach, getting drunk in the process, just so you could watch the sun rise? it's a wow! i might do a thing like that someday, but the thing i'm writing here about are things i'd do even if nobody else would like to come with me, even if i have to do them on my own. like going to TV stations and be one of those screaming fans i despise, except this time, i'm gonna scream,like a bonafide fan could, for the unnoticed and unpopular dubbers! i want to know what kind of people they are, they who lend their voices to the Babylonic babble of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Koreans, and make them sound so Pinoy and so-kababayan. there's Montreal Repuyan who dubs three to five characters in a single episode of anime; Vincent Coronel (and i'm not even sure if this is his real name) who is so far my biggest crush (!!!!!!), Fourth Lee (the voice i'm sick of), Miles Sanchez (whom i seldom hear nowadays), the gurl who does Charlene/Jericho/young Jeremiah/assorted characters in Ghost Fighters, Eugene himself---the dubber's name is Eri Resurreccion, whose aaahhhh's and uhhhhh's and other breathing sounds he makes had so far been the number one on my list of aaahhh's and uhhh's (remember that you're reading a fanatic's testimonies; the aaahh's and uhhh's list is but one of the many. and i can actually enumerate the characters these dubbers have dubbed, and tell, from hearing a single line read, who is dubbing a particular charcter on TV. i haven't found anyone who could match my fanaticism and devotion to these people, adn i take pride in that. my gawd, they've found themselves a number-one fan!). i'll meet them one day, i know. i may or may not like them and vice versa, but at least i get to actually put a real Pinoy face on these wonderful voices.

alrighty, then, i'm gonna stop here na, i have a paper to finish and i don't suppose i'll be in for my dr.j class if i don't actually work on it now. it's been very nice e-mailing you. want to hear from you soon.


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